Family relations and «inability to acts of civil life»

reflections on the basis of a case of «non-interdition»


The legal guardianship/interdiction is an institute of the Brazilian Family Law that consists of the filing of a civil procedure to state a person's “incapacity for civil life acts”. From that moment on, the subject who is declared legally incompetent will depend on a legal guardian to manage his/her property and personal interests. The objective of this research is to reflect – from the family's point of view – on the negotiations that are involved in the decision of starting or not starting such a legal procedure. In the present paper, I will present the practices and narratives of Jurema, an interlocutor who lives in a poor neighborhood of Porto Alegre, Brazil, and whose trajectory I have been following since March 2014. With that, I suggest a discussion about guardianship from a “non- guardianship” case, since that when facing the possibility of starting such legal procedure to become her son's guardian, Jurema chose not to do so. But her practices towards him – that nowadays lives on the streets – are close to that of a legal guardian what allows us to think of that situation as a “factual guardianship”. Based on Disability Studies and on Care Research theories, I aim to problematize questions that emerge from that decision, especially those regarding a supposed dichotomy between care and neglect. To follow Jurema's trajectory means to also gain access to wider family issues - that involve affective, economic and moral issues- in such a manner that the ideas of care and family economy appear as important elements for this decision making process.
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Moura Fietz, H. (2016). Family relations and «inability to acts of civil life»: reflections on the basis of a case of «non-interdition». Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (2), 87–94. Retrieved from


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