The topicality of an old formula

periclesity and punition of adolescents


The article discusses the liability which makes use of the pathologizing strategy – the association of criminal behavior to a disease requiring treatment. The rapprochement between the legal and medical knowledge has been very fruitful for the construction of responses to crime and finds in the contemporary field of punishment of teenagers, favorable space. On the one hand, socioeducational measures are based on subjective criteria related to the individual biography, what contributes to the intrusion of psychiatry. On the other hand, the involvement of adolescents in urban crime feeds demands for harsher criminal policies and contributes to the production of the “monstrous”. Based on an emblematic case, I intend to understand the reinvention and the operationalization of the concept of dangerousness, a product of the relationship between psychiatry and criminal law, to justify certain forms of social control geared to those who commit crimes and are not necessarily remitted to the punitive apparatus, as with adolescents considered “incompetent” by the institutions responsible for law enforcement. To reconstruct and analyze the case, the methodological fronts adopted are documentary research and interviews. The results show the continuity of the ruler of dangerousness as a central factor in the differential management of illegalisms, particularly to modulate types and degrees of investment of punishment dispositives.
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Matsuda, F. E. (2016). The topicality of an old formula: periclesity and punition of adolescents. Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (2), 60–68. Retrieved from


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