Black Rhythms of Peru

About tenths, sorrows and bitterness


In contrast to other existing cultural forms in Peru, the ones belonging to the African descendent group has not often been studied by the social sciences, nor have they fully enjoyed the prestige, the they deserve. Perhaps the raison is this group was invisible and powerless during the colonial and republican period in Peru. The purpose of this paper from an anthropological point of view is to highlight some of the features of the African American culture in Peru. First it is necessary to explain the relationship this group has with the idea of “otherness”. They have not recognized from in a institucional, political or cultural standpoint. That's why this work will analyze, first of all, some of the keys that have shaped this invisible situation from the epoch of colonial slavery up to the modern consolidation of the racial stereotypes. Secondly, we will explain the emphasized features from this particular grammar of the identity following the analytical model proposed by Baumann. And finally we will center on the work of the Peruvian author Nicomedes Santa Cruz, maximum exponent of the African American culture Nicomedes Santa Cruz, who has inspired the contemporary processes of ethnicity of the African American culture in Peru.
  • Referencias
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Montes Pérez, C. (2016). Black Rhythms of Peru: About tenths, sorrows and bitterness. Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (3), 11–20. Retrieved from


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