The representation of Brazil in the German press, the image change in the Bolsonaro’s era and the role of the media in the spread of right-wing populism worldwide


This interview was held in Germany, at the University of Erfurt, with Dr Kai Hafez, professor of comparative media systems. Among the main topics addressed by the interviewee are the Brazil and Latin America’s representation in the German media, the negative image produced by the era Bolsonaro and the role of Fake News as a communication strategy of extreme right-wing populists. Another relevant discussion brought by the interviewee is the responsibility of the media regarding the growing wave of right-wing populism. The critical view that the intellectual offers about the role of the media in exaggerating the attention given to extreme right movements can be applied to the Brazilian context, in which candidates and controversial groups such as the Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL) gain more and more the spotlights. Hafez discusses the logic of entertainment politics and the need for self-reflection on the part of the media so that they do not encourage and give excessive visibility to right-wing extremists.
  • Referencias
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Author Biographies

Patricia Carolina Saucedo Añez

Universität Erfurt
Master's degree in Communication Studies. PhD candidate at Universität Erfurt (Germany).

Regina Cazzamatta Spinola Costa

Universität Erfurt
Master's degree in Communication Studies. PhD candidate at Universität Erfurt (Germany).