Women in the Brazilian Academy of Letters


Barcelos Bettiol, M. R. & Beloso, M. T. (Orgs.) (2018). Entre livros e discursos. A trajetória das mulheres da Academia Brasileira de Letras. Frederico Westphalen: URI. Recuperado de [http://www.fw.uri.br/NewArquivos/publicacoes/publicacoesarquivos//297.pdf].The book Entre livros e discursos. A trajetória das mulheres da Academia Brasileira de Letras organized by Maria Regina Barcelos Bettiol and Maria Thereza Beloso, is a collective work that tries to present, in a summarized way, the trajectory of Brazilian writers who are members of the Brazilian Academy of Letters. The purpose of the work, in the words of the authors is to make visible "a process of social and cultural recognition" that led these women to the condition of "possession of the language." In addition, the work was originally published in open access, available on the Internet.
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Rivas Hernández, A. (2019). Women in the Brazilian Academy of Letters. Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 6(12), 249–253. https://doi.org/10.14201/reb2019612249253


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Author Biography

Ascensión Rivas Hernández

Universidad de Salamanca
Full Professor of Literature Theory and Comparative Literature at USAL.