Kfouri, an annoying winner


Kfouri, J. (2017). Confesso que perdi: memórias. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras. ISBN: 8535929738.The book Confesso que perdi: memórias traces a panorama of the career of the Brazilian sports journalist, from his first steps in journalism in the 1970's, through his involvement with resistance movements against the dictatorship, to his work on Rede Globo broadcasting company and in magazine Placar. Kfouri analyzes historical moments in the country – the dictatorship, the 1982 World Cup, the scheme of buying results in football – as well as contrasts the relationship of sports, especially football, with corruption scandals in Brazil and worldwide. By exposing the involvement of politicians, athletes, journalists and personalities in such scandals, Kfouri demonstrates how he does not ignore situations that have caused – and cause – discomfort and embarrassment in the sports environment. In spite of the direct approach, Kfouri's language is light, almost a chat, and this makes the reading, from the practical point of view, pleasant, and from the historical point of view, indispensable.
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Martins, R. (2019). Kfouri, an annoying winner. Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 6(12), 245–247. https://doi.org/10.14201/reb2019612245247


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Author Biography

Ricardo Martins

Indiana University
PhD candidate in Lusophone Literatures from Indiana University (United States).