The Trade Union`s Italian System: an evolution missed by Brasil


This paper discusses the Italian trade union’s system and the finding about the distinct evolution of the Brazilian and Italian models. Despite both systems had a very similar model before the World War II, Italy has adopted a trade union’s system that respects the freedom in the collective labor relations. Even though the Italian adaptation was not easy they have been making changes for more than half a century searching to guarantee the freedom in the trade union’s system. Brazil will have to adopt a system that respects the freedom in collective labor relations and the Italian experience can be useful as inspiration for the necessary changes.
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Author Biographies

Antonio Augusto Bonatto Barcellos

Universidad de Salamanca
Doctoral student in Social Sciences program at the University of Salamanca.

Virginia Zambrano

Universitá degli Studi di Salerno
Professor at Legal Sciences School Department of the Law School at Universitá degli Studi di Salerno (Italy).