Modern Democracy, its Evolution and the Need for Optimization


Despite being a relatively recent phenomenon, democracy seems to have been raised to the level of a ubiquitous system such that its existence and enshrinement can truly be understood as a postulate. It is thus very important to understand its evolution in particular from the advent of Modernity in order to understand how the model evolved adopting representation by political parties. Despite its qualities, criticism of the model, focused especially on the alleged lack of legitimacy, has always persisted. This, in most cases, is done in order to move toward its aim of a would-be collective ideal. It is in this evolutionary bias that we observe the construction of alternative models – which we prefer to see as complementary to the traditional representation by political parties - especially with the adoption of practices of direct democracy leading to a semi-direct system of representation. This system, adopted by the current Brazilian Constitution, which forecasts the use of plebiscite, referendum and popular initiative, does not seem to have put an end to the questioning and criticism. Rather, these have increased in recent decades, emerging in doctrine and coming to advocate the adoption of different experiences. These practices, with participatory and deliberative mechanisms, have the ability to seek eventual democratic optimization.
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Author Biography

Rubens Beçak

Universidade de São Paulo
Doctor in Constitutional Law and General Theory professor at the State University of São Paulo. Associate Professor at the Law School of Ribeirão Preto ( undergraduate and graduate ) and the Faculty of Law ( Postgraduate ) of the Universidade de São Paulo. Cabinet Adviser in the Department for Culture and Extension of the University of São Paulo.