Antonio Candido and Silviano Santiago: theoretical meeting points between Literature and Social Sciences from Brazilian literary criticism


The meeting points between literature and social sciences are inevitable. Because of this, it is necessary to study these border areas to understand the different ways in which these fields of study interact, collaborate, or discuss. In this sense, integrating authors from all places into the discussion becomes an urgent task, especially when it comes to a space with a critical tradition as important as Brazil. Thus, the work of Antonio Candido and Silviano Santiago become voices that can help elucidate new possibilities in this complex interdisciplinary relationship. This article presents and discusses some of the most significant contributions of the authors in relation to the border area between literary criticism and social sciences, to explore their vision of the problem and some of its possible areas of development.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
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Reséndiz Delgado, O. A. (2023). Antonio Candido and Silviano Santiago: theoretical meeting points between Literature and Social Sciences from Brazilian literary criticism. Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 9(20), 75–86.


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Author Biography

Oscar Alejandro Reséndiz Delgado

Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Undergraduate student in Communication Sciences and Journalism at Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (Mexico).