Philosophical foundations of an environmental and economic challenge in the Brazilian Amazon: Educación para la sostenibilidad by Suely da Costa Campos


The Brazilian economist Suely da Costa Campos, in Educación para la sostenibilidad: el desafío en la Amazonía brasileña, does not place the objective of “development” in the limited conceptual space ofeconomic growth. Through a mixed methodological approach, she examines the effectiveness of public education policies in Brazil’s Legal Amazon, in relation to their results on human capital. The purpose of this review is to value the philosophical assumptions from which Suely da Costa Campos understands the concept of “development”. This book presents fecund possibilities for the philosophical foundation of an environmental and economic challenge. This challenge can be summed up in combining the concern for economic growth and the urgency of moving towards environmental sustainability.
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Rodríguez Morales, V. V. (2023). Philosophical foundations of an environmental and economic challenge in the Brazilian Amazon: Educación para la sostenibilidad by Suely da Costa Campos. Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 8(17), 227–231.


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Author Biography

Valeria Victoria Rodríguez Morales

Asociación Boliviana de Filosofía
President of the Asociación Boliviana de Filosofía (Bolivia).