The Use of Firearms by Police Officers: Case Law Analysis


This investigation refers to the appropriate use of weapons by police officers, in light of the legal principles and the jurisprudence that interprets them. The use of weapons by police officers is protected by the Spanish constitutional order that authorizes the use of legitimate force as guarantors of the free exercise of rights and freedoms and to guarantee citizen security. Sometimes this use of weapons produces injuries, of different kinds, in the citizens on whom action is taken or who are in the environment of police actions. This use of weapons is generally framed in the fulfillment of duty and/or self-defense, but sometimes there may also be cases of professional or personal excesses that make us wonder if they have acted under the strict police technical-operational procedures. constitutional norms and legal-criminal development norms. In the different cases that we face, we must take into consideration a multitude of circumstances to analyze that will determine the legality or illicitness of the police action and will allow us to strengthen the action procedures or consider their possible adaptation to what was ruled in the sentences of the Supreme Court.
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Instrucción nº 1/2024 de la Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad sobre el Procedimiento Integral de la Detención Policial, de 16 de enero de 2024.

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Sánchez Melgar, J. (2024). The Use of Firearms by Police Officers: Case Law Analysis. Ciencia Policial, 182, 71–96.