Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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TV Food Advertising to Minors in Spain: Monitoring of the PAOS Code


In a context of concern about the high prevalence of obesity among Spanish children, the debate on television advertising of food and drink products to children becomes more important. Although there are other factors that influence childhood obesity, there is evidence that commercial have a great impact on the eating habits of children. Through a content analysis, the objective of this research is to analyze and assess the PAOS Code’s effectiveness in 2018 as an instrument to improve commercial quality and promote eating habits and healthy lifestyles. This study concludes: the high exposure of children under the age of twelve to commercial of food and beverages, especially in children’s channels; the presence of unhealthy commercial in the reinforced protection time slot is rising regarding 2012; food and drink commercials use selling argument supporting more in the incentive than in the food. Finally, the overall conclusion is that the quality of this type of commercial messages has improved over the last six years.
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