Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Round Trip Narratives: Appropriations, Influences and Mutual Contamination between Painting, Photography and Cinema


The following essay analyzes the phenomenon of mobile frontiers and the accompanying contamination that is produced across different visual media. The development of new visual technologies, between the 19th and 20th centuries, forced prior media (such as painting and drawing) to reinvent themselves fully. Concurrently, these emerging technologies have often taken inspiration from their predecessors. Many artists, having reflected on their creations and the interaction between different linguistic codes that permeate all mentioned disciplines, are able to continue to grow and innovate throughout their specific narratives. This article analyzes some of these historic milestones which, during these last two centuries, have enhanced cross-media proposals originating from painting, photography, or film industry, and have generated some hybridized poetics filling the gap existing between disciplines.
  • Referencias
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Gómez-Isla, J. (2019). Round Trip Narratives: Appropriations, Influences and Mutual Contamination between Painting, Photography and Cinema. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (19), 117–146.


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