Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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On a Tendency of Female Desire in Mainstream Cinema. The Re-construction of Identity in the Audiovisual Diptych Gravity (2013) and The Wind (1928)


In contemporary audiovisual fiction, the action plots starring the female researcher develop one of the most complex and challenging female constellations in the Hollywood universe, the study of which can help us understand how the cultural idea of ??(becoming) a woman is forged, and what are the possible transformations experienced by this identity model in the history of the audiovisual imaginary. This textual analysis aims to explore this aesthetic universe with Alfonso Cuarón's Gravity (2013), a case of representative analysis of a trend that has been installed in mainstream cinema. The spectacular trajectory of the heroine developed beyond known borders, against the backdrop of the immensity of space, also constitutes a metafictional reflection on the cultural construction of identity, which in a socio-historical context of crisis questions the referents of female subjectivity. In order to understand what place this aesthetic proposal occupies in this symbolic constellation of the female researcher, as well as to assess in a historical dimension the identity journey developed by Dr. Stone, a comparative (textual) analysis method has been chosen, generating an intertextual dialogue between Gravity and Victor Sjöstrom's The Wind (1928).
  • Referencias
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Antón Sánchez, L. (2021). On a Tendency of Female Desire in Mainstream Cinema. The Re-construction of Identity in the Audiovisual Diptych Gravity (2013) and The Wind (1928). Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (22).


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Author Biography

Laura Antón Sánchez

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Profesora contratada doctora de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Departamento: Comunicación y Sociología. Asignatura: Lenguaje Audiovisual en grado y cultura audiovisual en el máster de Periodismo cultural y nuevas tendencias. He escrito varios artículos sobre la representación de la identidad femenina en el cine de Hollywood. Asimismo, he publicado un análisis textual sobre El verdugo: Disfraz y pasión creativa. La modernidad de la escritura en el El verdugo (L. G. Berlanga, 1963).