Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Science for All: Guides to Overcome the Challenges of Science Communication in Cases of Health Communication


This study explores the science communication models of deficit and dialogue and their results in prior research. The theoretical framework presented in this study informs the overall study´s methodology with suggestions for participatory action research studies in the practice and research of science communication. Consequently, this study applied qualitative research and participatory action research methodologies, along with decolonial epistemological foundations. Consequently, the co-design of science communication strategies was applied in two health programs, one for children (United States), and another for teenagers (Ecuador). For data analysis, the study used the following theories: two-step theory, framing theory and medium theory. These were combined to interpret the data. The overall participatory co-design contributed to: a) facilitate the dialogue between researchers and their audiences; and b) create communication strategies adapted to audiences to propose scientific communication guides for health. The results demonstrate the importance of the involvement of researchers as spokespersons of their studies; several criteria for the design of messages for non-experts; and communication media selection criterion.
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Author Biography

Denisse Helena Vásquez-Guevara

Universidad de Cuenca
Docente Titular Auxiliar 2. Carrera de Comunicación 