Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Di(ver)sium: Images to Coeducate


Di(ver)sium is a teaching resource based on the use of photography and aimed at promoting the gender equality and affective-sexual diversity in secondary schools and higher education institutions. It optimizes the informative potential of 'Medianautas' and 'Di(ver)sidades', two actions aim at fostering the coeducation that develop at the University of Salamanca under the umbrella of the responsible research and innovation experience 'FotoC3: Citizenship, Creativity and Care’. Di(ver)sium is designed to be carried out in individual, cooperative, online, or offline teaching-learning scenes to meet the following three objectives: a) building capacities and developing transversal training skills in the coeducation of Secondary and Higher Education students based on a collective engagement for the creation and dissemination of visual, audiovisual, and multimedia contents; b) set up a good practice in teaching innovation and social responsibility in the framework of the Service-Learning Network of the University of Salamanca and, c) highlight and promote the 'Medianautas Collection' and the 'Di(ver)sities Collection': Two Academic Photoethnography Collections belonging to the Network of Scientific Collections of the University of Salamanca.
  • Referencias
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López-San Segundo, C., Hernández Pietro, M., & García Pérez Omaña, A. (2023). Di(ver)sium: Images to Coeducate. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (26), 327–343.


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