Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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«The Road Is Life»: Gender Transgressions and Age in Ladies of Steel


Pamela Tola’s Ladies of Steel was the most watched movie of 2020 in Finland, and it was nominated as Best Comedy in the European Film Awards. It is a road movie whose protagonists are three seventy-something women, and which breaks with the ageist paradigm and with gender stereotypes. Through a qualitative approach and developing a feminist analysis, this article looks into the variables of difference present in road movies with female protagonists, with special interest in their representation of age. It concludes that the film demystifies old age, the body, sexuality, and gender norms, allowing for the (re)elaboration of elderly women’s imaginary on the bases of autonomy and empowerment. Thus, Ladies of Steel can be embedded in a tradition of gender transgression that many road movies have performed since the 1990s, and which had started with Thelma & Louise. As its most significant contribution, the film challenges ageism while celebrating life through a group of characters that distance themselves from the portrait of decrepitude that audiovisual products usually associate with old age, instead claiming that it is never too late to pursue your goals.
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