Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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The Cinematic Representation of Senior Sexuality: Case Studies in Contemporary Cinema


Do eroticism and sexual desire die out with age? If we look at what cinema reveals, the answer is an (almost) unequivocal yes. This deep-rooted cultural taboo is also presented in cinema, and exemplified by the few occasions in which films have broken such taboo over its more than 120 years of history. However, it is remarkable the recent increase of films that not only include sexuality in elderly as part of their plots, but also show it in a crude manner. They portray a reality that is still very uncomfortable for the audience, despite the institutional discourse which includes sex as part of the active aging that is in the agenda. In this direction, this article shows the results of an exploratory study on the representation of sexuality in the elderly in 21st century cinema. To achieve that, we studied several films, tracing a general overview first, and then carrying out a comprehensive analysis of two of the most transgressive films with respect to the object of study: En el séptimo cielo (Andreas Dresen, 2008) and El diablo entre las piernas (Arturo Ripstein, 2019).
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Author Biographies

Irene Liberia Vayá

Investigadora equipo AdMIRA SEJ-496, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Irene Liberia Vayá holds a PhD in Communication (with an international PhD mention) from the University of Seville (US), a master's degree in Communication and Culture (US), a degree in Audio-visual Communication and a degree in Humanities, both from the University of Valencia. A member of the ADMIRA research group (SEJ-496, US) and the INAV Network (Ibero-American Network for Research in Audio-visual Narratives), she is currently working at the Cultural Observatory of the University of Valencia. Her main lines of research revolve around the following topics: feminism and gender studies, the media treatment of gender-based violence, cinema and sociology of communication.

Sergio Cobo Durán

Profesor Contratado Doctor, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Sergio Cobo-Durán is Assistant Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Seville. He holds a PhD in Communication and a degree in Audiovisual Communication. Secretary of the research group ADMIRA and coordinator of the University Master's Degree in Scriptwriting, Narrative and Audiovisual Creativity. His lines of research include audiovisual narrative, screenwriting and non-fiction cinema. 