Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Analysis of Brand Prescription and the Identification of its Advertising Nature by Television Faces on Instagram

  • Araceli Castelló-Martínez
    Profesora titular. Universidad de Alicante, España
  • Jesús Segarra-Saavedra
    Profesor titular. Universidad de Alicante, España jesus.segarra[at]
  • Tatiana Hidalgo-Marí
    Profesora titular. Universidad de Alicante, España


Despite its expansion, the Internet continues to be a medium that receives low legislative attention, in which professional practice is ahead of the regulatory standard. Social networks, in general, and Instagram, in particular, are used as a channel in which to monetize the prescribing power of relevant people in the digital field by taking advantage of these legal loopholes. The methodology is based on the content analysis of the 498 posts with the presence of brands published on Instagram in November and December 2021 by one hundred television faces in Spain in order to know if they indicate their advertising nature. The results show that, despite having a high number of followers, according to the engagement rate not all television faces can be considered influencers. 86.7% of posts with brands references do not show their advertising nature, while those that do comply with the deontological regulation do so through various formulas. The advertising prescription on Instagram by television faces is carried out in a poorly structured way and without too much homogeneity, evidencing the lack of professionalization and the need for standardization in terms of identifying the advertising nature of the messages.
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Author Biography

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra

Profesor titular. Universidad de Alicante, España
DEA (2008) y Licenciado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas (2005) por la Universidad de Alicante. Investigador y doctorando en Comunicación. Miembro del proyecto de investigación COMPUBES (Comunicación y Públicos Específicos) y Editor técnico adjunto de Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación de la UA.