Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Social Media and Communication strategies of social networks in Madrid´s hotel industry

  • Gemma Cascales García
    International University of La Rioja gemma.cascales[at]
  • Trinidad Cortés Puya
    International University of La Rioja
  • María Galmés Cerezo
    International University of La Rioja


Social networks within social media are provoking substantial changes in communication strategies within the hospitality industry. New professional profiles emerge linked to social networks management and customer behaviour data analysis. These new professionals have influence on the definition of communication strategies. Hotels are forced to adapt to this new social reality, and to incorporate new technologies into their social communications strategies. Hotels require to offer their users/consumers a direct, transparent and quickly response to the needs that the clients demands. In this context, this article aims to answer the following question: Could control and management of social networks raise profits in the hospitality industry? The methodology used to solve this issue is based on an initial literature review and documentary about the concepts of "social media" and "communication strategies in the tourism industry". Besides, secondly survey to hotel managers of four stars hotels located geographicayin Madrid was launched. The research results show an imminent change in the conception of the traditional planning communication strategies of the hotels.
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