Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

Cine transnacional, el sistema de festivales y la transformación digital


This paper considers the idea of transnational cinema from several different perspectives: first, as a term that competes with other terms which also want to characterize non-Hollywood cinema, such as ‘world cinema’, ‘independent cinema’, ‘accented cinema’, ‘peripheral cinema’. Despite being itself a problematic concept, transnational cinema best represents the situation of contemporary filmmaking under conditions of globalization. Second, transnational cinema highlights the challenges, contradictions and possibilities of its main site of encounter and exchange: the international film festival circuit. Third, transnational cinema helps us understand the changes brought by the ‘digital turn’ to non-Hollywood filmmaking, and thereby redefines what we mean today by ‘national cinema’, ‘auteur cinema’ and the ‘cinema of small nations’.
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Elsaesser, T. (2015). Cine transnacional, el sistema de festivales y la transformación digital. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 11(11), 175–196. Retrieved from


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