Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Expand networking: rhizomatic mapping of current models of collaboration, production and exhibition of the "other" contemporary cinema in the Basque context


This paper takes an interdisciplinary approach to the hypothesis that the nodal structure that develops between public institutions, directors and creators has enabled a network that has brought about a considerable increase in the production and exhibition of contemporary audiovisual works in the Basque Country. Our communication seeks to throw light on the subject by exploring, investigating, analysing and drawing up a preliminary map of the stakeholders involved: directors, film festivals, independent producers, art production exhibition centres, television broadcasters and other institutions. It invites a reflection on the sustainability of many projects that have been carried out thanks to the relationship of trust and interdependency that is generated between the stakeholders. Our exhaustive analysis of the stakeholders, systems and creative processes involved seeks to establish the premise that the rhizomatic structure they have developed –in Deleuzian terms– is essential to the highly productive moment that the most innovative and daring cinema is currently experiencing in the Basque Country. That premise leads to the conclusion that this question has turned into a topic that should imply changes in the current and future policies that regulate it.
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Fernández-Guerra, V., & Alonso Ruiz De Erentzun, E. (2015). Expand networking: rhizomatic mapping of current models of collaboration, production and exhibition of the "other" contemporary cinema in the Basque context. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 11(11), 133–158. Retrieved from

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Author Biographies

Vanesa Fernández-Guerra

Universidad del País Vasco
Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad Facultad CCSS y de la Comunicación Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)

Estibaliz Alonso Ruiz De Erentzun

Universidad del País Vasco
Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad Facultad CCSS y de la Comunicación Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)