Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Collaborative Cinema. Discourses, practices and digital platform. Towards a participatory diversification transmedia formats in the European Digital Space


This article aims at the analysis of the new paranoma of collaborative discourses and practices in the European Digital Space. The three themes are collaborative audiovisual production and experience to configure social imaginary; modes of transmission and reception of images related to the processes of collective thinking; and co-learning as a political strategy in the framework of media education. It also aims to map out the various case studies in Europe on the one hand argues the emergence of experiences and practices of collaborative production (in collaboration as film-making process). It will illustrate how the concept of collaborative cinema has been at once useful and problematic, in the process of re-politicization, by focusing on collective learning processes and medialiteracy in Europe and in which currently collaborative cinema is made using the film and audiovisual practices in the post-digital space, mediabroadcast and digital multiplatform participatory formats that provide fertile ground for interrogating the concept of the particitatory culture, that provide fertile ground for interrogating the concept of the collaborative film. These collaborative practices works en relation to the creation of counter-hegemonic discourses on migration, gender and decoloniality. Similarly, the article also aims to move and proposes the exploration of new collaborative strategies discursivity related participative transmedia formats in the framework of the European Digital Space, studying the cases of France and Spain.
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