Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Comparing Sports broadcasting: tracing the style of football telecast in Saudi Arabia, England and Spain

  • Anto J. Benítez
    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid abenitez[at]
  • Ángel M. López López
    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Manuel Sánchez Cid
    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


The International Federation Football Association (FIFA) takes over the most homogeneous developing of football as a sport across the world. Even so, players, coaches, audiences and different latitudes stages, shape very different competitions. Sport viewers, using the Media globalization possibilities, are able to distinguish different ways of showing football matches on screen. Forty years ago, Image scholars wondered whether it was possible to recognize signs of style in directing sports, and specifically in the case of football, confronting German and British broadcasting practices. Updating the same objectives, some representative matches of the saudi arabian, spanish and english league have been chosen from the 2013-14 and 2014-15 seasons, and have been compared shot by shot. Despite the development of technologies and techniques, the conclusions of researchers like those of Brien R. Williams are still operative, and it is possible to detect some differences that make explicit and distinct points of view about football.
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Entrevistas personales realizadas a:

Ignacio López Buenadicha, Senior Director ISB para Alamiya Arabia 2013/14. (4/2/2015 y 21/2/2015);Víctor Santamaría, Realizador Jefe de Canal Plus. (13/2/2015).
Benítez, A. J., López López, Ángel M., & Sánchez Cid, M. (2015). Comparing Sports broadcasting: tracing the style of football telecast in Saudi Arabia, England and Spain. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 10(10), 79–117. Retrieved from


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