Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Gender roles through the film adaptation of Miguel Delibes. The Maslow pyramid or many Regulas has cost a Lola?


In this paper we analyze step by step the role of women through the film adaptation of writer Miguel Delibes. For this, and using our eyes or "feminist glasses" combine two types of analysis. The specialist provided by the film and feminism, A. Kuhn, with the proposal of A. Maslow's hierarchy of human needs. The aim of all this is penetrates in the complex world of attitudes, behaviors and attitudes, and thus reveal the attempt or break with the patriarchal model, consciously or unconsciously break some women chased and only few reached. All this taking as reference the two opposing political systems and dominant in the second half of the twentieth century Spanish, dictatorship and democracy.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
Bustos, Mª. L (1990): La mujer en la narrativa de Delibes. Valladolid: Caja de ahorros de Salamanca.

Caparrós, J. M. (1992): El cine español de la democracia. Barcelona:Anthropos.

Castro, A. (2009): La representación de la mujer en el cine español de la Transición 1973-1982. Oviedo: KRK.

García, R. (1993): Miguel Delibes. La imagen escrita. Valladolid: 38 Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid.

Kuhn, A. (1991): Cine de mujeres. Feminismo y cine. Madrid: Catedra.

Samaniego, P. (1996): Castilla en Miguel Delibes. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca.
Ojeda Torrero, A. (2012). Gender roles through the film adaptation of Miguel Delibes. The Maslow pyramid or many Regulas has cost a Lola?. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 5(5), 157–175. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Almudena Ojeda Torrero

Universidad de Salamanca
Doctoranda de la Universidad de Salamanca.