Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

The Deviser sequence: a new type of informative text from the choral interviews of


The development of Internet has brought the emergence of new forms of discourse and, therefore, new journalistic forms: new cybergenres (as the coral interviews in, which take advantage of the technical – ideological substrate of the net. In the next article we will focus on the morphological aspects of these participative forms, and then we will show the evolution of a case of a new type of journalism –linked to the participatory journalism – that we have named deviser to define a kind of communication which starts from a non professional transmitter. Thanks to the coral interviews these transmissions are being spread in the mass media and the social networks and after a polyphasic trip they end melted into the cultural heritage. In our ethnographic analysis, we have observed in the corals interviews vestiges of a purejournalism, a journalism which was not necessarily contaminated by organizational issues, and in general a journalistic positioning which tends to abolish hierarchies (spelling, structural), towards a more horizontality or transcendence, in what some theorists have defined as “heterarchical regimes” (Bruns, 2006, p. 6) or cybercommunism (Barbrook, 2000).
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Author Biographies

Daniel Barredo Ibáñez

Universidad de La Sabana
Docente – investigador Universidad de La Sabana. Doctor en Periodismo Universidad de Málaga, España

Martín Oller Alonso

Departamento de Información y Comunicación