Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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The minorities and minoritised cinematographies in the European cultural policy: the Danish alternative


The purpose of this document is to analyze the European Union's approach to its cultural development model during the last decade and towards the future. Based on the analysis of mass cultural models, which dominate the post-modern democracies, we suggest that the dissident forms of culture (minorities or minoritised), precisely for their refractory condition towards the cultural standardized model and generated by the current political and economic logic, constitute a guarantee for the possibility, after modernity, of a different European culture. In this regard, we have exemplified an alternative to the European Union’s erratic cultural policy in the Danish audiovisual production: in spite of the modest dimension of its territory, supported by a national language with a limited geographic location, the facts show a high quality cinematographic production whose unmistakable hallmarks proclaim it as a recognizable cultural and undeniable fact. In contrast with the Danish case, some of the most significant European Digital Agenda issues are discussed and openly reported: among others, the disappearance of precedents purpose in relation to promote OV and multilingualism and the fact that the small cinemas are no longer interlocutors in policy-making from the Community's point of view…
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López Gómez, A. M., Castelló Mayo, E., & Arias Iglesias, I. (2015). The minorities and minoritised cinematographies in the European cultural policy: the Danish alternative. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 11(11), 32–59. Retrieved from


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