Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation


This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or is under consideration by any other journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format, adapted to the template model.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text brings together the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in the Author Guidelines in About the Journal.
  • The authors are members of Orcid and will add their address next to the names of the authors, with active and complete links.

Author Guidelines


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General guidelines

1. Interested authors may submit scientific articles related to the different areas of communication to “Fonseca, Journal of Communication”, always according to this TEMPLATE MODEL.

2. The article must be between 5,000 and 10,000 words.

3. All articles must be submitted in Spanish or in English (in this last case, the translation from Spanish must be carried out by a certified translator and it must include his/her name and affiliation).

4. Authors will ensure their anonymity of authorship avoiding any data that may be identified by the reviewers (DELETE METADATA COMPULSORILY, following the steps on the word file: File/Information/Check for problems/Inspect document/Browse and remove everything that identifies the authorship/Close AND save). To do so, they must attach two files: one will include the article as it would be published, while the other will omit any data which may identify the author. This second file will be sent to the reviewers.

5. The article, in .doc format, must be submitted through the OJS platform and to the following e-mail addresses: and and, if applicable, to the coordinators of the monograph (it is compulsory to send it both through OJS and via email).

6. Submission to OJS will be done through the following link (, which requires registration by at least one of the authors.

7. Articles submitted through the OJS platform «eUSAL Revistas» must enter the metadata as indicated, or they may be rejected during the first stage due to an error in the «presentation of metadata of the article». The steps are as follows:

7.1. Register as an author: (fill all obligatory fields and tick the “Author” option:

7.2. Click on “My Journals” and select “New Submission”.

7.3. Next, in Step 1, choose the section for the submission, the language, the checklist and that you accept the ethics guidelines.

7.4. In step 2, upload the file which would be published if accepted (with all data regarding authors, that is, the file which was created through the template).

7.5. In step 3, “Enter metadata”, enter the data of authors in their corresponding sections (names, surnames, email, affiliation and country) —this process must be repeated for all authors—; title and abstract (as they appear in the submitted text); keywords; and references. IMPORTANT: All fields must be completed, even if they do not appear as required fields.

7.6. In Step 4, the blind version of the article must be uploaded without data that can identify authorship in the metadata:(without data which may identify the authors,File/Info/Check for Problems/Inspect Document/Browse and Remove Everything That Identifies the Authorship/Close AND Save), together with other files which may be necessary, including the file indicated in Step 8.

7.7. End of submission.

8. The author must attach a third file (TEMPLATE), which may also be included as part of other files (Step 4 of submission to OJS), and will express that the work is original and was never published previously and it is not being evaluated by another journal for publication. As well, authors explicitly accept the guidelines and the evaluation criteria of the journal. They must accept that publishing in “Fonseca, Journal of Communication” is not remunerated and that Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca will retain the proprietary rights (copyright) and reproduction of published works

9. The article will not be signed by more than four authors. Acknowledgements and any mention to the organizations which fund a project related to the article will be placed at the end of the article or in a footnote.

10. Receipt of original submissions is open during the entire year. For each particular issue, please check the “Call for papers” section:

Guidelines for authors

1. Authors must submit their original articles adapted to the template model (CLICK TO DOWNLOAD), as indicated in Step 1 of the General guidelines.

2. For articles submitted to “Fonseca, Journal of Communication”, authors are advised to follow the following structure: Introduction and current status of the topic – Objectives and hypotheses – Methodology – Results – Discussion of results – Conclusions – References.

3. After downloading the template model, the author will verify that:

3.1. The paper size is customized to 17 x 25 (17 cm in width and 25 cm in height). This may be done in “Page setup” – “Size” – “Other sizes” – “Custom size”.

3.2. The page has adequate margins: top margin 2.5 cm, bottom margin 2.5 cm, right margin 1.5 cm and left margin 1.5 cm. This can be done in “Layout” – “Margins” – “Custom margins”.

4. The first page will include the following elements (all of them with single spacing):

ISSN: 2172-9077 (font: Garamond, 12, aligned to the left).
DOI: it will be allocated by the journal (font: Garamond, 12, aligned to the left).
Title: Roman print, Garamond, 15.5 and aligned to the left. RGB Color: Red: 128, Green: 0, Blue: 0.
Title in English: Italics, Garamond, 15.5 and aligned to the left. Black.
Name and surname(s) of the author, in Garamond, 8. Surnames must be in capital letters and preceded by the professional category of the author. Aligned to the left.
University and country: Garamond, 8, aligned to the left.
E-mail: Garamond, 8, aligned to the left.
Link to ORCID code, preceded by the icon included in the template. Aligned to the left.
Data from BIBLID, date received and date accepted will be included by the journal. Aligned to the left.
Finally, there will be an abstract (max. 150 words) with keywords (max. 5) both in Spanish and in English. Garamond, 8, justified. The entire paragraph will be left indented 1.25 cm.

(All required personal data, name, email, affiliation, ORCID code, etc., will be published).

5. The first page will not have a header, but it will have a footer.

6. Headers will include the name of the authors and the title of the article. This information will be capitalized and centered. Garamond, 8. RGB Color: Red: 128, Green: 0, Blue: 0.

7. Footers will include the copyright character followed by “Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca” + space + “CC BY – NC ND” + name of the journal, issue, year, first and last page of the article. Lower case, Garamond, 8. RGB Color: Red: 128, Green: 0, Blue: 0.

8. All pages will be numbered. The number will be centered and it will appear at the bottom, Garamond, 8.

9. In the body of the text, section titles will be in small caps, Garamond, 12, bold, aligned to the left. RGB Color: Red: 128, Green: 0, Blue: 0.

10. All the sections will be numbered (1; 1.1; 1.1.1; 2; 2.1; etc.).

11. The text will be justified, font Garamond, 10, with multiple spacing 1.1, and with 0 pt spacing before and after the paragraph. Each paragraph will have a left indentation of 0.63 cm. The entire text must be automatically hyphenated: “Page layout” – “Hyphenation” – “Automatically hyphenate document”.

12. Since they can interrupt reading, footnotes should be avoided, unless they are essential. Footnotes will be written in Garamond, 8, with 0.9 spacing.

13. Tables and figures must be numbered consecutively but independently (tables/graphs/figures, etc.). The number and a short description (not more than one line) of the table, graph or figure will be above it, and its source will be below it. Both the titles and the different visual elements will be centered. The title will be in Garamond, 8. All tables, graphs and/or figures must be submitted in a separate file, in .jpg format.

14. Citations of 40 words or less will be included as part of the text, between angle quotes («example»). Citations over 40 words will be placed in a separate paragraph, with a left indentation of 5 cm. Also, these citations over 40 words will have a size of 9 pt, Garamond.

15. References within the text will be added between parentheses: (author, year, p. page). (Example: (García, 2001, p. 34). The abbreviation “pp” will be used when the reference includes more than one page. In the case of contextual citations, the reference to the page may be omitted. If part of the citation is omitted, it will be marked with an ellipsis between square brackets. Example: […]. Obvious errors will be left unaltered, but they will be accompanied by “(sic)”.

16. All works cited will be included in the References section.

17. Only the works which have been used in the original text may be cited in the References section.

18. There may not be any part of the text in bold, italics or underlined, except for the cases mentioned above.

19. Angle quotes will be used: «».

20. Single quotes (‘example’) may be used to mention titles of books, newspapers, journals, etc.

21. In the References section, the APA guidelines will be applied. An APA style guideline, 6th edition, created by Sylvia Zavala Trías, MLS, may be accessed here:

22. With regard to the references themselves, the self-citation rate may not be over 20%. References will be included at the end of the text.

23. The footer at the end of the article will be inserted by the Editorial team of the journal.



1. Reviews will follow the same rules as articles, if appropriate, but with the template for reviews (CLICK TO DOWNLOAD).

Reviewer Guidelines

1. All submitted articles will be reviewed first by the Editorial Committee of the journal, who will verify that they are adequate for the topics of the journal and that they meet all necessary style requirements. Afterwards, the article will be submitted to two external reviewers (blind review), who will decide whether it should be accepted, accepted with modifications, or rejected. If both reviewers agree on their assessment, the text will then be accepted, accepted with modifications, or rejected. If they do not agree, the text will be submitted to a third reviewer, who will take the final decision. If the article is accepted with modifications, the author will decide whether to implement those changes so that the text may be published or not to do so, in which case the article will not be published.

Possible combinations of reviewers’ decisions

Reviewer 1

Reviewer 2

Reviewer 3

Final decision



Does not intervene



Accept with modifications

Does not intervene

Accept with modifications

Accept with modifications

Accept with modifications

Does not intervene

Accept with modifications



Does not intervene








Accept with modifications

Accept with modifications





Accept with modifications



Accept with modifications

Accept with modifications


Accept with modifications

Accept with modifications

Accept with modifications




 2. Communication of decision. “Fonseca, Journal of Communication” will carry out the necessary procedures in due time, except for the reviewing process, which is an external assessment procedure.

Suggestion of reviewers

1. Regardless of the formula used to choose the scientific reviewers (personal knowledge of the members of the Editorial Committee of the journal, use of our own database, search in bibliographic databases, search in the list of references cited in the article), and although the ultimate decision will be taken by the Editors, authors may suggest the names of experts in the field which may provide a critical and documented assessment of the article. In that case, the journal shall have to remind the authors that they must ensure that the proposed reviewers did not take part in the preparation of the article, have not read the manuscript prior to its presentation or have a personal relationship with the authors which may lead to a biased review of the work. Also, in very competitive fields, authors may not want their work to be assessed by potential scientific rivals who may prevent or delay the publication of the article. (Delgado López-Cózar, Emilio; Ruiz-Pérez, Rafael; Jiménez-Contreras, Evaristo (2007): La edición de revistas científicas: directrices, criterios y modelos de evaluación, item 331, p. 181).

2. In spite of the previous point, Fonseca, Journal of Communication establishes that the proposed author cannot be a member of the same university as the author or authors of the article, or have been a thesis supervisor of any of the authors or member of the same research group as one of the authors.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.