Cambiando los relatos del envejecimiento: Las representaciones de la vejez femenina de Emma Thompson en Late Night y Buena Suerte, Leo Grande
Resumen Al inicio de su sexta década de vida, Emma Thompson sigue siendo una actriz prolífica, cuyos trabajos cinematográficos más recientes presentan la edad como un aspecto destacado. Mientras que en la película Late Night (2019) recrea la crisis de una presentadora famosa de programas de noche, cuya carrera parece acabarse cuando cumple sesenta años, en Buena suerte, Leo Grande, presenta la cruzada personal de una mujer que ha enviudado recientemente y que quiere sentir placer sexual por primera vez en su vida. En este artículo, ofrecemos el análisis textual de los contra-relatos del envejecimiento femenino que se desarrollan a través de dos de las interpretaciones más recientes de Emma Thompson en papeles protagonistas. A través del género de la comedia dramática, estos relatos cinematográficos de la vejez femenina tratan y a la vez subvierten temas que todavía se consideran tabú desde puntos de vista edadistas o sexistas, o ambos, y que están estrechamente relacionados con la sexualidad (femenina), la creatividad y la imagen corporal en la madurez.
- Referencias
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Austin, David, et al. (Producers) and Freig, P. (Director). (2019). Last Christmas. United Kingdom: Calamity Films et al.
Bevan, T., et al. (Producers) and Warchus, M. (Director). (2022). Roald Dahl’s Matilda: The Musical. United Kingdom and United States: Working Title Films et al.
Brennan, Z. (2005). The Older Woman in Recent Fiction. Jefferson: McFarland and Company.
Browning, B.; Henderson, J.; Kaling, M.; Klein, H. (Producers) and Nisha, B. (Director). (2019) Late Night. United States: FilmNation Entertainment, 30West, Imperative Entertainment, 3 Arts Entertainment, Kaling International.
Buckley, C. (2019). Emma Thompson Gets a Shock at 60. The New York Times. 23 May.
Burr, K. et al (Producers) and Gillespie, C. (Director). (2021). Cruella. United Kingdom and United States: Walt Disney Pictures et al.
Byrski, L. (2014). Conscientious Objections: Feminism, Fiction and Phoney War on Ageing. In Wehelan, I. and J. Gwynne. (2014). Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism. Harleys and Hormones (pp. 14–28). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Casado-Gual, N. and M. Oró-Piqueras. (2017). Romantic, Sexy, Creative or Simply Unruly: Affirmative Models of Ageing Femininity in the Cult Series Six Feet Under. Women: A Cultural Review. Vol. 28 (3) 217–239.
Chivers, S. (2011). The Silvering Screen. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
Devine, K. (2022). Emma Thompson reveals that looking at herself in the mirror without judgement was the 'hardest thing I've ever had to do' as she prepares to take on her steamiest role ever at 63. Daily Mail Online. 20 May.
Dolan, J. (2017). Contemporary Cinema and Old Age. Gender and the Silvering of Stardom. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Faircloth-Isaacs, K. (2014). Mature Meryl and Hot Helen: Hollywood, Gossip and the ‘Appropriately’ Ageing Actress. In Wehelan, I. and J. Gwynne. (2014). Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism. Harleys and Hormones (pp. 140–154). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gravagne, P. (2013). The Becoming of Age. Cinematic Vision of Mind, Body, and Identity in Later Life. Jefferson: McFarland & Co.
Grayson, D. (Producer) and Hyde, S. and Politowski, A. (Directors). (2022). Good Luck to You, Leo Grande. United Kingdom: Genesius Pictures et al.
Gullette, M. (2004). Aged by Culture. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Hincliff, S. (2014). Sexing Up the Midlife Woman: Cultural Representations of Ageing Femininity and the Sexy Body. In Wehelan, I. and J. Gwynne. (2014). Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism. Harleys and Hormones (pp. 63–77). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jones, S. C. et al. (Producers) and Jones, S. C. and L. Mulcahy (Directors). (2019). Years and Years. United Kingdom: Red Production and HBO.
Kentish Barnes, N. et al. (Producers) and Kapur, S. (Director). (2022). What’s Love Got To Do with This? United Kingdom: Working Title Films et al.
Mangan, M. (2013). Staging Ageing: Theatre, Performance, and the Narrative of Decline. Bristol and Chicago: Intellect.
Markson, E. (2003). The Female Aging Body through Film. In C. Faircloth (ed.). Aging Bodies: Images and Everyday Experience (pp. 77–102). Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.
Marshall, B. L. and M. Rahman. (2014). Celebrity, Ageing and the Construction of ‘Third Age’ Identities. International Journal of Cultural Studies. Vol. 18 (6) 577–593.
Mindfood. (2022) “Emma Thompson Shares her Tips for Better Mental Health”. 16 September
Oró-Piqueras, M. and A. Wohlmann. (Eds.). (2016) Serializing Age. Aging and Old Age in TV Series. Bielefield: Transcript Verlag.
Oró-Piqueras, M. and N. Casado-Gual. (2017). Broadening the Scope of Ageing Femininities on TV: the Evolution of the Older Women in two Contemporary Catalan Soap Operas. Feminist Media Studies. Vol. 17 (5) 703–720.
Richardson, N. (2019). Aging Femininity on Screen: The Older Woman in Contemporary Cinema. London: Bloomsbury.
Shary, T., and McVittie, N. (2016). Fade To Gray: Aging in American Cinema. Austin: The University of Texas Press.
Waxman, B. F. (1990). From the Hearth to the Open Road: A Feminist Study of Aging in Contemporary Literature. New York: Greenwood Press.
Wehelan, I. and J. Gwynne. (2014). Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism. Harleys and Hormones (pp. 140–154). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Williams, A., et al. (2007). ‘Selling the Elixir of Life’: Images of Elderly in an Olivio Advertising Campaign. Journal of Aging Studies. Vol. 21 (1) 1–21.
Woodward, K. (1991). Aging and Its Discontents: Freud and Other Fictions. Indianapolis: Indiana UP.
Woodward, K. and N. K. Miller, (Eds.) (1999). Figuring Age: Women, Bodies, Generations. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Bevan, T., et al. (Producers) and Warchus, M. (Director). (2022). Roald Dahl’s Matilda: The Musical. United Kingdom and United States: Working Title Films et al.
Brennan, Z. (2005). The Older Woman in Recent Fiction. Jefferson: McFarland and Company.
Browning, B.; Henderson, J.; Kaling, M.; Klein, H. (Producers) and Nisha, B. (Director). (2019) Late Night. United States: FilmNation Entertainment, 30West, Imperative Entertainment, 3 Arts Entertainment, Kaling International.
Buckley, C. (2019). Emma Thompson Gets a Shock at 60. The New York Times. 23 May.
Burr, K. et al (Producers) and Gillespie, C. (Director). (2021). Cruella. United Kingdom and United States: Walt Disney Pictures et al.
Byrski, L. (2014). Conscientious Objections: Feminism, Fiction and Phoney War on Ageing. In Wehelan, I. and J. Gwynne. (2014). Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism. Harleys and Hormones (pp. 14–28). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Casado-Gual, N. and M. Oró-Piqueras. (2017). Romantic, Sexy, Creative or Simply Unruly: Affirmative Models of Ageing Femininity in the Cult Series Six Feet Under. Women: A Cultural Review. Vol. 28 (3) 217–239.
Chivers, S. (2011). The Silvering Screen. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
Devine, K. (2022). Emma Thompson reveals that looking at herself in the mirror without judgement was the 'hardest thing I've ever had to do' as she prepares to take on her steamiest role ever at 63. Daily Mail Online. 20 May.
Dolan, J. (2017). Contemporary Cinema and Old Age. Gender and the Silvering of Stardom. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Faircloth-Isaacs, K. (2014). Mature Meryl and Hot Helen: Hollywood, Gossip and the ‘Appropriately’ Ageing Actress. In Wehelan, I. and J. Gwynne. (2014). Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism. Harleys and Hormones (pp. 140–154). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gravagne, P. (2013). The Becoming of Age. Cinematic Vision of Mind, Body, and Identity in Later Life. Jefferson: McFarland & Co.
Grayson, D. (Producer) and Hyde, S. and Politowski, A. (Directors). (2022). Good Luck to You, Leo Grande. United Kingdom: Genesius Pictures et al.
Gullette, M. (2004). Aged by Culture. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Hincliff, S. (2014). Sexing Up the Midlife Woman: Cultural Representations of Ageing Femininity and the Sexy Body. In Wehelan, I. and J. Gwynne. (2014). Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism. Harleys and Hormones (pp. 63–77). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jones, S. C. et al. (Producers) and Jones, S. C. and L. Mulcahy (Directors). (2019). Years and Years. United Kingdom: Red Production and HBO.
Kentish Barnes, N. et al. (Producers) and Kapur, S. (Director). (2022). What’s Love Got To Do with This? United Kingdom: Working Title Films et al.
Mangan, M. (2013). Staging Ageing: Theatre, Performance, and the Narrative of Decline. Bristol and Chicago: Intellect.
Markson, E. (2003). The Female Aging Body through Film. In C. Faircloth (ed.). Aging Bodies: Images and Everyday Experience (pp. 77–102). Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.
Marshall, B. L. and M. Rahman. (2014). Celebrity, Ageing and the Construction of ‘Third Age’ Identities. International Journal of Cultural Studies. Vol. 18 (6) 577–593.
Mindfood. (2022) “Emma Thompson Shares her Tips for Better Mental Health”. 16 September
Oró-Piqueras, M. and A. Wohlmann. (Eds.). (2016) Serializing Age. Aging and Old Age in TV Series. Bielefield: Transcript Verlag.
Oró-Piqueras, M. and N. Casado-Gual. (2017). Broadening the Scope of Ageing Femininities on TV: the Evolution of the Older Women in two Contemporary Catalan Soap Operas. Feminist Media Studies. Vol. 17 (5) 703–720.
Richardson, N. (2019). Aging Femininity on Screen: The Older Woman in Contemporary Cinema. London: Bloomsbury.
Shary, T., and McVittie, N. (2016). Fade To Gray: Aging in American Cinema. Austin: The University of Texas Press.
Waxman, B. F. (1990). From the Hearth to the Open Road: A Feminist Study of Aging in Contemporary Literature. New York: Greenwood Press.
Wehelan, I. and J. Gwynne. (2014). Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism. Harleys and Hormones (pp. 140–154). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Williams, A., et al. (2007). ‘Selling the Elixir of Life’: Images of Elderly in an Olivio Advertising Campaign. Journal of Aging Studies. Vol. 21 (1) 1–21.
Woodward, K. (1991). Aging and Its Discontents: Freud and Other Fictions. Indianapolis: Indiana UP.
Woodward, K. and N. K. Miller, (Eds.) (1999). Figuring Age: Women, Bodies, Generations. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Casado Gual, N., & Oró Piqueras, M. (2023). Cambiando los relatos del envejecimiento: Las representaciones de la vejez femenina de Emma Thompson en Late Night y Buena Suerte, Leo Grande. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (26), 51–63.
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