Sexism, romantic love and gender inequality. A study of Latin American adolescents living in Spain


This paper examines the role of socio-demographic factors determining both sexist beliefs and attitudes and distorted perceptions of romantic love. Moreover, the relationship between hostile and benevolent sexism, and the belief in myths about romantic love is analyzed according to the Gender Inequality Index (gii) in a sample of 203 Latin American teenagers living in Valencia (Spain). 
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Author Biographies

Ángela Carbonell Marqués

Universidad de Valencia
Ángela Carbonell MarquésDepartamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales, Universitat de València

Maria Vicenta Mestre

Universidad de Valencia
Maria Vicenta MestreCatedrática de Psicología Básica en la Facultad de Psicología, Universitat de València