Mapping of Scientific Publications between Latin America, The Caribbean, and the European Union

  • Simone Belli
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid sbelli[at]
  • Joan Balta
    ESIC – Universitat Rovira i Virgili


The mapping of bi-regional scientific collaboration requires multiple approaches to obtain the most complete picture possible. The first indicator of this collaboration is the number and type of scientific co-publications between authors from both regions. This article analyzes the scientific publications that appear in the Web of Science database, which includes co-authors from eulac countries between 2005 and 2016, paying special attention to the most important research areas and the role of national research agencies in the promotion of international cooperation. In addition, a specific indicator, the strength of the link, is introduced to account for the outstanding alliances between countries, as well as the connection of a particular country within the network drawn by the set of co-publications analyzed. Our study highlights the ability of eulac countries to generate scientific networks and their relevant role in a growing worldwide network of researchers from various countries that makes it increasingly difficult to isolate a specific interregional scientific collaboration.
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