Renewing politics or more of the same? Comparing newcomers and traditional politicians in Latin American legislatures
Abstract Do newcomers, also known as outsiders, think differently than traditional politicians in Latin American legislatures? We approach this question from an individual perspective, especially relevant in the personalist context of Latin America. We use interviews carried out in the current decade with up to 1,115 legislators in 17 countries. We look at opinions related to the perception of corruption as a problem in the country, same-sex marriage, and State regulation of the economy. Our work confirms the existence of a difference between newcomers and traditional politicians, even though it is only marginal. It goes against the common sense that points out at a clearer divide.
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Levitsky, Steven y Loxton, James. Populism and Competitive Authoritarianism in the Andes. Democratization, 2013, vol. 20 (1): 107-136. -
Levitsky, Steven; Loxton, James; Van Dyck, Brandon y Domínguez, Jorge. Challenges of Party-Building in Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. -
Lochocki, Timo. Will the German Center Hold? Journal of Democracy, 2016, vol. 27 (4): 37-46. -
Lupu, Noam. Brand Dilution and the Breakdown of Political Parties in Latin America. World Politics, 2014, vol. 66 (4): 561-602. -
Madrid, Raúl. The Rise of Ethnic Politics in Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. -
Meguid, Bonnie. Competition between Unequals: The Role of Mainstream Party Strategy in Niche Party Success. American Political Science Review, 2005, vol. 99 (3): 347-359. -
Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand. The Lifespan and the Political Performance of Green Parties in Western Europe. En Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand y Poguntke, Thomas (eds.). Green Parties in National Governments. London: Routledge, 2012: 13-38. -
Persily, Nathaniel. The 2016 U.S. Election: Can Democracy Survive the Internet? Journal of Democracy, 2017, vol. 28 (2): 63-76. -
Roberts, Kenneth. Market Reform, Programmatic (de)Alignment, and Party System Stability in Latin America. Comparative Political Studies, 2012, vol. 46 (11): 1422-1452. -
Schedler, Andreas. Anti-Political-Establishment Parties. Party Politics, 1996, vol. 2 (3): 291-312. -
Shapiro, Samuel y Francia, R. S. An approximate analysis of variance test for normality. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1972, vol. 67 (337): 215-216. -
Shapiro, Samuel y Wilk, Martin. An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples). Biometrika, 1965, vol. 52 (3-4): 591-611. -
Welzel, Christian. Freedom Rising. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. -
Weyland, Kurt. Economic Voting Reconsidered: Crisis and Charisma in the Election of Hugo Chávez. Comparative Political Studies, 2003, vol. 36 (7): 822-848. -
Guedes-Neto, J. V., & Santos, M. L. (2019). Renewing politics or more of the same? Comparing newcomers and traditional politicians in Latin American legislatures. América Latina Hoy, 81, 7–30.
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