Afro-Costa Rican women and delayed multiculturalism: constitutional reform of the (white) republic of Costa Rica


The article analyzes the reform of Article 1 of the Political Constitution of Costa Rica to acknowledge the multicultural and pluriethnic character of the nation, in terms of its protagonists and timing of approval. On the one hand, it suggests a relationship between racial formation processes and a constitutional multicultural delay. On the other, it recognizes the challenges and strategies of Afro-Costa Rican women to reframe this reform in terms of social justice.
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Author Biography

Marianela Muñoz Muñoz

Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica/llilas, Universidad de Texas en Austin
Candidata doctoral en Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Texas en Austin. Profesora de la Escuela de Filología, Lingüística y Literatura de la Universidad de Costa Rica