Ideological proximity in the presidential elections of Costa Rica, El Salvador and Honduras

  • Patricia Otero Felipe
    Universidad de Burgos potero[at]
  • Juan Antonio Rodríguez Zepeda
    Universidad de Salamanca


In this article we test the theory of proximity voting in the most recent presidential elections of three Central American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador and Honduras. For this purpose, we specified Mixed Mutinomial Probit models and found that ideological proximity had a relevant effect on voters’ choices. Moreover, the ideological distance between those citizens and the candidates affected the latter differently, depending on the partisan context in which they were competing.
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Author Biographies

Patricia Otero Felipe

Universidad de Burgos
Profesora Ayudante DoctorÁrea de Ciencia Política y de la Administración

Juan Antonio Rodríguez Zepeda

Universidad de Salamanca
Estudiante de doctorado.