Disjointed city. The disaster in Port-au-Prince


Hundreds of help programs have been deployed in Port-au-Prince, after the earthquake of 2010, with the intention of re-establishing the order and the life lost under the rubbles. Near six years after the tragedy the city that is emerging, in effect, looks like it was before because unsafe constructions, unhealthy neighborhoods, poor access to basic services are still present in the lives of its inhabitants. In this article the visible effects of the reconstruction are not investigated, but the unconnected programs and multiply misunderstood orders that prevent the city from being assembled are studied.
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Author Biography

Laura Natalia Moreno Segura

Investigadora y analista en temas relacionados con cooperación internacional, ayuda humanitaria y derechos humanos. Doctorante en Espacio Público y Regeneración Urbana de la Universidad de Barcelona, Magister en Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales del Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales (IEPRI) de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Politóloga egresada de la misma Universidad.