Neoschumpeterian contributions to the debate on Brazilian economic growth patterns in the XXI century
Abstract Currently in Brazil there is an intense academic debate on the most appropriate follow growth pattern: wage-led or export-led. The first is defended by continuing economic growth, income distribution, while the second seeks to minimize imbalances in the balance of payments. We try to show that both growth patterns have limitations in ensuring sustained economic growth with income distribution for neglecting structural aspects of the Brazilian economy, as its productive structure and its international trade pattern.
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Araújo, Eliane y Gala, Paulo. Regimes de crescimento econômico no Brasil: evidências empíricas e implicações de política. Estudos Avançados, 2012, vol. 26 (75): 41-56.
Araújo, Elianes y Marconi, Nelson. Estrutura produtiva e comércio exterior no Brasil: uma investigação sobre as elasticidades-renda da demanda por exportações setoriais. Seminário Indústria e Desenvolvimento Produtivo do Brasil, mayo de 2014. São Paulo: Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
Arend, Marcelo. A industrialização do Brasil ante a nova divisão internacional do trabalho. En Bojikian Calixtre, André; Martins Biancarelli, André y Macedo Cintra, Marcos (orgs.). Presente e futuro do desenvolvimento brasileiro. Brasilia: ipea, 2014: 375-422.
Arend, Marcelo y Fonseca, Pedro. Brasil (1955-2005): 25 anos de catching up, 25 anos de falling behind. Revista de Economia Política, 2012, vol. 32 (1): 33-54.
Bastos, Pedro Paulo. A economia política do novo-desenvolvimentismo e do social desenvolvimentismo. Economia e Sociedade, 2012, vol. 21 (número especial): 779-810.
Blecker, Robert. Open economy models of distribution and growth. Working Papers 2010-3. American University, Department of Economics, 2010.
Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos. Populismo Econômico: Ortodoxia, Desenvolvimentismo e Populismo na América Latina. São Paulo: Nobel, 1991.
Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos. Novo desenvolvimentismo e a ortodoxia convencional. São Paulo em Perspectiva, 2006, vol. 20 (3): 5-24.
Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos. Doença holandesa e indústria. Rio de Janeiro: fgv, 2010.
Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos. The New Developmentalism as a Weberian Ideal Type. Paper in honor of Robert Frenkel, septiembre, 2012, disponible en: Fecha de consulta: 2 julio 2013.
Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos y Gala, Paulo. Macroeconomia estruturalista do desenvolvimento. Revista de Economia Política, 2010, vol. 30: 663-686.
Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos; Oreiro, José Luis y Marconi, Nelson. A Theoretical Framework for a Structuralist Development Macroeconomics. En 9th International Conference Developments in Economic Theory and Policy. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, 2012.
Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos y Theuer, Daniela. Um Estado novo-desenvolvimentista na América Latina? Economia e Sociedade, 2012, vol. 21 (n.º especial): 811-829.
Bruno, Miguel. Regimes de crescimento, mudanças estruturais e distribuição na economia brasileira (1970-2001). En Anais viii Encontro Nacional de Economia Política. Florianópolis, junio 2003.
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Cimoli, Mario y Porcile, Gabriel. Sources of learning paths and technological capabilities: An introductory roadmap of development processes. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2009, vol. 7: 675-694.
Cimoli, Mario; Porcile, Gabriel y Rovira, Sebastián. Structural change and the bop-constraint: Why did Latin America fail to converge? Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2010, vol. 2.
De Negri, Fernanda y Cavalcante, Luiz Ricardo. Produtividade no Brasil: desempenho e determinantes. Brasília: Abdi/ipea, 2014.
Diaz-Alejandro, Carlos. Southern Cone Stabilization Programs. En Cline, William y Weintraub, Sidney (eds.). Economic Stabilization in Developing Countries. Washington, d.c.: The Brooking Institution, 1991 [1981].
Dornbusch, Rudiger y Edwards, Sebastián. The Macroeconomics of Populism in Latin America. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991 [1989].
Dornbusch, Rudiger y Edwards, Sebastián. Macroeconomic Populism. Journal of Development Economics, 1990, vol. 32 (2): 247-277.
Dosi, Giovanni. Sources, procedures and microeconomics effects of innovation. Journal of Economic Literature, 1988, vol. 27 (3): 1120-1171.
Dosi, Giovanni. Mudança técnica e transformação industrial: a teoria e uma aplicação à indústria dos semicondutores. Campinas: Unicamp, 2006.
Dosi, Giovanni; Pavitt, Keith y Soete, Luc. La economía del cambio técnico y el comercio internacional. México: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 1993.
Dutt, Amitava. Kaldorian model of economic growth and development revisited: a comment on Thirlwall. Oxford Economic Papers, 1992, vol. 44: 156-168.
Ferrari Filho, Fernando y Fonseca, Pedro. Which Developmentalism? A Keynesian-Institutionalist Proposal. Review of Keynesian Economics, 2015.
Freeman, Chris. The «National System of Innovation» in historical perspective. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1995, vol. 19 (1): 5-24.
Freeman, Chris y Pérez, Carlota. Structural crises of adjustment business, cycles and investment behaviour. En Dosi, Giovanni et al. (eds.). Technical change and economic theory. London: Pinter Publishers, 1988: 38-66.
Hein, Eckhard y Vogel, Lena. Distribution and growth reconsidered: empirical results for six oecd countries. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2008, vol. 32 (3): 479-511.
Kaldor, Nicholas. Essays on Economic Stability and Growth. Glencoes: The Free Press, 1960.
Kaldor, Nicholas. Further Essays on Economic Theory. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1978.
Lavoie, Marck y Stockhammer, Engelbert. Wage-led growth: concept, theories and policies. Conditions of Work and Employment Series, 2012, n.º 41. Ginebra: International Labour Office.
Marconi, Nelson y Rocha, Marcos. Taxa de câmbio, comércio exterior e desindustrialização precoce –o caso brasileiro–. Economia e Sociedade, 2012, vol. 21 (n.º especial): 853-888.
McCombie, John y Thirlwall, Anthony. Economic Growth and the Balance-of-Payments Constraint. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
Metcalfe, Stan; Foster, John y Ramlogan, Ronnie. Adaptive economic growth. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2006, vol. 1: 7-32.
Nelson, Richard (ed.). National innovation systems: a comparative analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Ocampo, José Antonio. Economic growth and the dynamic of productive structure. En Ocampo, José Antonio (ed.). Beyond reforms: Structural dynamics and macroeconomic vulnerability. Washington: The World Bank-eclac, 2005.
Oreiro, José Luis. Novo-Desenvolvimentismo, crescimento econômico e regimes de política macroeconômica. Estudos Avançados, 2012, vol. 26 (75): 29-40.
Palley, Thomas. The rise and fall of export-led growth. Investigación Económica, 2012, vol. lxxi (280), abril-junio: 141-161.
Palma, Gabriel. Four sources of deindustrialization and a new concept of the Dutch disease. En Ocampo, José Antonio (ed.). Beyond reforms: Structural dynamics and macroeconomic vulnerability. Washington: The World Bank-eclac, 2005.
Pérez, Carlota. Revoluciones tecnológicas y capital financiero: la dinámica de las grandes burbujas financieras y las épocas de bonanza. México: Siglo xxi, 2004.
Reinert, Erik. How rich countries got rich and why poor countries stay poor. London: Public Affairs, 2007.
Robert, Verónica y Yoguel, Gabriel. La dinámica compleja de la innovación y el desarrollo económico. Revista Desarrollo Económico, 2010, n.º 199: 423-453.
Rowthorn, Bob. Demand, real wages and economic growth. Thames Papers in Political Economy, 1981, Autumn.
Rowthorn, Bob y Ramaswamy, Ramana. Deindustrialization: causes and implications. Working Paper, 1997, n.º 97/42, imf.
Rowthorn, Bob y Ramaswamy, Ramana. Growth, trade and deindustrialization. Staff Papers, 1999, vol. 46 (1).
Rowthorn, Bob y Wells, John. R. De-industrialization and foreign trade. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Sachs, J. D. Social Conflict and Populist Policies in Latin America. En Brunette, Renato y Delaringa, Carlo (eds.). Labor Relations and Economic Performance. London: MacMillan Press, 1989.
Sicsú, João; Paula, Luiz Fernando y Michel, Renault. Novo-Desenvolvimentismo: um projeto nacional de crescimento com equidade social. Manoele y Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Konrad Adenauer, 2005.
Singer, Hans. The distribution of gains between investing and borrowing countries. The American Economic Review, 1950, vol. 40 (2): 473-485.
Taylor, Lance. Structuralist macroeconomics. New York: Basic Books, 1983.
Thirlwall, Anthony. The balance of payments constraint as an explanation of international growth rate differences. Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, 1979, vol. 128: 45-53.
Thirlwall, Anthony. A natureza do crescimento econômico: Um referencial alternativo para compreender o desempenho das nações. Brasília: ipea, 2005.
Tregenna, Fiona. Characterizing deindustrialization: an analysis of changes in manufacturing employment and output internationally. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2009, vol. 33.
Fonseca, P. C. D., & Arend, M. (2016). Neoschumpeterian contributions to the debate on Brazilian economic growth patterns in the XXI century. América Latina Hoy, 72, 19–39.
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