Batir bandera: understanding emotions on gender and clientelism debates in Argentina

  • Constanza Tabbusch
    Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género, Universidad de Buenos Aires ctabbush[at]


This article examines how emotions are understood, in deeply gendered ways, within gender and clientelism debates in Argentina. By looking at the case study of the voluntary network of neighborhood representatives of Plan Vida, which distributes food aid in the Province of Buenos Aires, I distinguish two ways of conceiving affects in grassroots women’s political participation. While the first one emphasizes the management of the external expression of emotions as part of doing politics, the second one considers affective labour in a given urban territory as fostering connections among actors, creating social capital and allowing the flow of relevant information. The conclusion suggests that the second approach gives greater relevance to the possibilities of agency and transforming relations of domination of these women doing politics at the local level. 
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Author Biography

Constanza Tabbusch

Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Socióloga Argentina, feminista e investigadora del CONICET por el Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Originalmente formada como psicóloga (UBA), es magister con honores por la London School of Economics y doctora en Sociología por la Universidad de Londres. Ha realizado trabajos de consultoría para organizaciones nacionales e internacionales. Sus intereses se agrupan en dos líneas de investigación: género, emociones y el hacer política en la Argentina; y feminismos, bienestar y programas de lucha contra la pobreza en el Cono Sur.