European election observation in Latin America. An analysis of 15 years of recommendations (2000-2014)


This article analyses the recommendations for improvement of elections made in the final reports of observation missions deployed by the European Union to Latin America over a 15-year period (2000-2014), taking the implementation of recommendations as an empirical indicator of the observation missions’ impact. The analysis reveals that it is not infrequent that eu missions reiterate recommendations when they return to a country to observe another election, and that persistent problems turn out to be more numerous than shortcomings being satisfactorily resolved. This circumstance asks for a review of the mechanisms to formulate recommendations as well as for the search of the most adequate means to promote their implementation during the post-election period.
  • Referencias
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Meilán, X., & Tuccinardi, D. (2015). European election observation in Latin America. An analysis of 15 years of recommendations (2000-2014). América Latina Hoy, 70, 77–90.


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Author Biography

Xabier Meilán

Universidad de Gerona
Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Gerona. Campus Montilivi. 17071 – Gerona, España