The responsibility to observe: rethinking the electoral observation of the Organization of American States

  • Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian
    Organización de los Estados Americanos
  • David Álvarez Veloso
    Organización de los Estados Americanos dalvarez[at]


After 53 years deploying missions, this paper addresses on three common ideas on the nature of the electoral observation of the Organization of American States: the paper of electoral missions, the invitation required for the deployment and the deployment of large number of observers. The paper presents element for debating these consensuses, particularly focused on the possibility of an automatic invitation to deploy electoral observations missions in oas member states.
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Muñoz-Pogossian, B., & Álvarez Veloso, D. (2015). The responsibility to observe: rethinking the electoral observation of the Organization of American States. América Latina Hoy, 70, 55–76.

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Author Biographies

Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian

Organización de los Estados Americanos
Organización de los Estados Americanos, Washington, EE.UU. 4101 4th St. NW • Washington, DC 20011, Estados Unidos

David Álvarez Veloso

Organización de los Estados Americanos
Organización de los Estados Americanos, Washington, EE.UU. 4101 4th St. NW • Washington, DC 20011, Estados Unidos