Obstruction and decision-making process in the Chamber of Deputies: Brazil 1991-2010


In this article we explore how the management of governing coalitions and attributes of the dynamics of the conflict between and within governing and opposition coalitions affect obstructionist movements in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies from 1991 to 2010. Obstructionist movements are operationalized by the percentage of monthly roll call votes related to procedural requirements that delay decisions on legislative proposals. We find that the proportionality in the distribution of ministerial posts reduces obstruction in minority coalitions. In larger coalitions, this type of incentive has little effect in reducing obstructionist moves. Smaller, more cohesive, and better managed governing coalitions are more capable than oversized coalitions of diminishing problems for decision making in the Chamber of Deputies. 
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Author Biographies

Lucio Renno

Universidade de Brasília
Universidade de Brasília - UnB - Prédio IPOL\IREL - IPOL Campus Darcy Ribeiro Asa Norte - Brasília DF CEP 70904-970, Brasil

Taeko Hiroi

University of Texas, El Paso
Department of Political Science. University of Texas at El Paso. Benedict Hall 111 - 500 W. University El Paso, TX 79968, USA