Challenging the norm? International election accompaniment in Nicaragua and Venezuela

  • Shelley Mcconnel
    St. Lawrence University
  • Jennifer Mccoy
    Georgia State University jmccoy[at]
  • Michael Mccarthy
    American University


International election monitoring has been touted as a regional norm in the Western hemisphere, but recent reforms in Venezuela and Nicaragua substituted a diminished international role of electoral accompaniment. This article traces the initial acceptance and later limitation of international election monitoring in those countries to explore whether the change constitutes norm localization or norm defection. It concludes that the norm is not as well institutionalized in the hemisphere as conventionally thought, and that models need to assess together national and international monitoring capacities.
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Author Biographies

Shelley Mcconnel

St. Lawrence University
St. Lawrence University, 23 Romoda Drive, Canton, NY 13617, Estados Unidos

Jennifer Mccoy

Georgia State University
Department of Political Science. The Carter Center Georgia State University One Copenhill Atlanta, GA 30303 Atlanta, Estados Unidos

Michael Mccarthy

American University
Center for Latin American & Latino Studies. 4545 42nd St., NW, Suite 308. Washington, DC 20016, Estados Unidos