Rafael Correa’s constitutional reform, the case of presidential re-election in Ecuador


The result of the recent constitutional process in Ecuador in 2008 was a new Constitution that would guide the precepts of the «Citizens’ Revolution» initiated by Rafael Correa since he came to power for the first time in 2007. Immediate re-election was adopted as one of the main institutional changes within the new document. This clause put aside the criteria of alternation and added Ecuador to an increasing trend in the Latin American region associated with the lifting of term limits. The new clause has allowed the president to remain in office for the last eight years and currently in discussion in the political arena is if the president will seek to further expand the term limits, following the logic of incremental constitutional change. In this context the paper seeks to answer «How did Rafael Correa manage to get the presidential re-election reform passed?». All this is discussed in the light of the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Ecuadorian democratic regime and the conditions that ensured the successful incorporation of continuous re-election in the 2008 Constitution.
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Author Biography

Ilka Treminio Sánchez

Universidad de Costa Rica
Escuela de Ciencias Políticas, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Costa Rica