The Women’s Caucus in Uruguay: a Critical Actor for the Substantive Representation of Women in Parliament


Drawing on analytical frameworks proposed in recent scholarship on women’s political representation, this article studies the archetypal case of the bancada femenina (women’s caucus) in the Uruguayan Parliament from 2000-2010 in order to identify and analyse the possibilities and challenges posed by multiparty initiatives among female members of Parliament for achieving women’s substantive representation. The article explores how the different dimensions of representation –descriptive, substantive and symbolic– interact in the composition, functioning, actions and discourse of this collective actor, and evaluates how factors relating to both agency and institutional contexts and conjunctures inform the substantive representation of women in the Uruguayan case.
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Author Biography

Niki Johnson

Universidad de la República
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de la República. Constituyente 1502 - C.P.: 11.200 (Uruguay)