The State, the social movements and the ordinary citizen: explorations in Bolivia between 2006 and 2011


This article aims to analyze and contextualize the allegedly deteriorated relationship between the social movements aiding the electoral victory of the now governing party MAS, and this party once it became government, in Bolivia. The analysis is based on a systematic reading of publications in the country on contemporary political developments, on a series of street interviews, and on conversations with local scholars and journalists. It is argued that the relationship developed the way it did because of various factors, ranging from the plural character of the MAS party and program, the heterogeneity of the movements supporting its electoral bid, the role-change after assuming power, the governing style, and its selectivity in honoring specific demands of specific movements. All in all, both factors of a more structural and of a more situational nature contributed to the current convoluted relationship between MAS as governing party and its originally affiliated basis of social movements.
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Author Biography

Ton Salman

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Faculteit der Sociale Wetensch (Afd. Sociale en Culturele Antropologie). Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Metropolitan, Buitenveldertselaan 3, 1082 VA Amsterdam (tegenover het Hoofdgebouw van de VU). De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam (Holanda)