Organization, territory and party system: territorial diffusion of party organization and its potential impacts on the structure of the party system in Brazil

  • María do Socorro Sousa Braga
    Universidade Federal de São Carlos msbraga[at]
  • Rodrigo Rodrigues-Silveira
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Tiago Borges
    Universidade de São Paulo


What is the territorial pattern of Brazilian political parties? What kind of relation this spatiality present with the party system? In order to answer these questions, this articles focus on three main objectives. Firstly, it will investigate the systematic pattern of political organization and affiliation in Brazilian municipalities. Secondly, it will perform an exploratory analysis of the spatial distribution of the political parties’ organization in Brazil. Third, it will produce some tentative hypotheses concerning the causal relations between party organization, party system structure, and electoral performance. Teoretically, this work will be based on the work of Panebianco (2005 [1988]), as well as it will employ extensively some more recent analyses such as those from Katz and Mair (1995) and Gunther and Diamond (2003). The methodology used will, most of all, perform an Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (esda). The results reveal that there were a constant movement towards expansion of party affiliation in Brazilian territory and it is manifested through a structural difference between large (with national territorial coverage) and small parties (mostly regional) in terms of party organization.
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Sousa Braga, M. do S., Rodrigues-Silveira, R., & Borges, T. (2013). Organization, territory and party system: territorial diffusion of party organization and its potential impacts on the structure of the party system in Brazil. América Latina Hoy, 62, 15–45.


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Author Biographies

María do Socorro Sousa Braga

Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Centro de Educación y Ciencias Humanas – CECH. Universidad Federal de Sao Carlos – UFSCar. autopista Washington Luis, Km 235 - SP-310 - CEP 13565-905 - São Carlos, SP – (Brasil)

Rodrigo Rodrigues-Silveira

Universidad de Salamanca
Instituto de Iberoamérica, Universidad de Salamanca. Hospedería de Fonseca nº 2 - 37002 Salamanca (España)