The Paraguayan democratization process: advances and opposition


Based on the new conceptions of democracy in Latin America, this work attempts to evaluate the democratization process that is taking place in Paraguay, as a consequence of the historical defeat suffered by the Colorado Party in the presidential elections of 2008. The analysis identifies the reasons for the triumph of the heterogeneous coalition lead by ex-bishop Fernando Lugo and evaluates three aspects of the process: political democratization, social democratization and mass participation.
  • Referencias
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Uharte Pozas, L. M. (2012). The Paraguayan democratization process: advances and opposition. América Latina Hoy, 60, 17–42.


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Author Biography

Luis Miguel Uharte Pozas

Universidad del País Vasco
Universidad del País Vascos. Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación.  Departamento: Filosofía de los Valores y Antropología Social. Avda. Tolosa, 70  20018 – San Sebastian (España)