Nation vs. region: tensions in Venezuela’s post-collapse party system


The collapse of the Venezuelan party system stirred controversy because it was considered one of the most consolidated political systems of Latin America. Several studies have analyzed the causes that contributed to this collapse. None, however, have studied the restructuring process that happened later. Through a study of all the electoral processes since 1958 this article shows the existence of tensions between forces that promote nationalization and regionalization strategies. With this analysis it’s possible to understand that partisan strategy has been essential in the nationalization/regionalization process of the different post-collapse parties.
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Sagarzazu, I. (2011). Nation vs. region: tensions in Venezuela’s post-collapse party system. América Latina Hoy, 58, 121–142.


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Author Biography

Iñaki Sagarzazu

University of Oxford
Center for Experimental Social Science / Nuffield College, University of Oxford.  New Road, Oxford, OX1 1NF (Reino Unido)