News of a country that disappears: the Puerto Rican «raros» of today


Puerto Rican culture articulates itself as an anti-colonial resistance characterized by strategies of simulation, opacity and invisibility (disappearance) that enact an «out-of-place» in which an autonomous national and social subject is constantly reformulated. Recent expressions of «escrituras raras» (weird, strange, eccentric, difficult writing) assume difficulty of comprehension, fragmentation, and challenges to conventional modes of representation as so many out-of-places that allow a long anti-systemic and anti-colonial tradition to survive to this day.
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Duchesne Winter, J. (2011). News of a country that disappears: the Puerto Rican «raros» of today. América Latina Hoy, 58, 31–50.


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Author Biography

Juan Duchesne Winter

University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh.  Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures. 1309 Cathedral of Learning. 4200 Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (Estados Unidos)