Alfredo STEIN HEINEMANN. «Urban poverty, social exclusion and social housing finance. The case of PRODEL in Nicaragua». Lund: Lund University, 2010. 260 pp. ISBN: 91- 87866-36-6.

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Vieira Fernández De Oliveira, M. (2011). Alfredo STEIN HEINEMANN. «Urban poverty, social exclusion and social housing finance. The case of PRODEL in Nicaragua». Lund: Lund University, 2010. 260 pp. ISBN: 91- 87866-36-6. América Latina Hoy, 57, 244–245.


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Author Biography

Michelle Vieira Fernández De Oliveira

Universidad de Salamanca
Casa del Brasil. Universidad de Salamanca. Plaza de San Benito, s/n 37002 Salamanca (España)