«Vote by vote… box by box…». From the post-electoral slogan to the citizen mobilization


From direct observation and hemerography sources, this article reconstructs the mobilizations that took place in Mexico city on June 8, 16 and 30 of 2006, in protestation of the results of the previous electoral day. An important challenge was set out for the institutions behind the slogan «Vote by vote... box by box» and a basic right to democracy was demanded, even in its more limited version: the certainty that what was individually expressed on the ballot boxes, would be counted according to reliable and dependable criteria and procedures. These mobilizations represented an unknown experience in the Mexican context. In contrast to previous actions against electoral fraud, one of the driving forces on this particular protest was the certainty that, from society, people could and should intervene. From such perspective, and regardless of the sympathies or dislikes that it might create, they constitute a milestone for social, political and contemporary history in Mexico. Hence, to recover and to systematize its central characteristics is of great importance.
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Guillén Rodríguez, D. (2011). «Vote by vote… box by box…». From the post-electoral slogan to the citizen mobilization. América Latina Hoy, 57, 47–176. https://doi.org/10.14201/alh.8126


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Author Biography

Diana Guillén Rodríguez

Instituto Mora
Instituto Mora. Plaza Valentín Gómez Farías # 12. Col. San Juan Mixcoac. C.P.03730 México, D.F.( México)